Creating opportunities of renewal and transformation in the lives of people residing in the Brookside neighborhood.
Our Mission

We take a holistic, Gospel-centered approach to meet the needs of neighborhood residents right where they’re at while building relationships and working together toward a collective understanding of the needs of the community.
64% in Poverty
More than 68% of our neighbors live below 185% OF the federal poverty level
Poverty is the reality for those living in the Brookside neighborhood. As of 2020, over 64% of Brookside residents have an income below 185% of the Federal Poverty Level. Not only that, but the Median Household Income in 2020 was $25,000 less than the county average and $35,000 less than the Indianapolis Metro Area average.
nearly 83 violent crimes
1 in 6 Reenter
Previously incarcerated in Indiana return to the 46201 zip code
Most know the Brookside Community and Near East Side as one of the most dangerous neighborhoods/communities in Indianapolis. In 2023, it was the second deadliest neighborhood in the city, with over 17 homicides. Crime is a reality that residents face on a daily basis. Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Department has identified the neighborhood as a “hotspot” where homicides, overdoses, non-fatal shootings, and EMS calls are disproportionately higher than other communities. One in six previously incarcerated men and women who are released from the criminal justice system in the state of Indiana reenter into the 46201 zip code each year. Of those that are released into the area, 50% reenter the criminal justice system.
100+ Abandoned Houses
Abandoned and vacant houses contribute to blight and crime
5 Year Wait
Section 8 has a 2 year waitlist to receive affordable housing vouchers
Stability in this neighborhood is difficult to come by when poor families are preyed upon by out of state property owners who encourage them to apply for an apartment with a non-refundable application fee, even after the family discloses a past eviction. It is extremely difficult for a family or individual in the Brookside neighborhood to find quality housing, yet there are over 100 abandoned houses in the area that could be used for low-income housing opportunities.
Most importantly, this is an incredibly vibrant and diverse community. Our neighbors take pride in their work and in providing for their families. They are quick to lend a helping hand and are fierce advocates for those they love. What the Brookside neighborhood lacks in resources, they make up for through grit and compassion.
While community members face daily obstacles in terms of poverty, crime and housing, the neighborhood has many assets in spite of the lack of resources. There is ample green space and one of the largest urban parks – Brookside Park. The area has been identified as one of the Great Places 2020 Initiative, where significant social and capital investments will be made to enhance quality of life and spur private investment. The area is situated in a federally-designated Promise Zone, where the federal government will work with local leaders to achieve neighborhood created goals and priorities. The area is also home to a number of new artistic collaborations and creative placemaking efforts.
Brookside Park's newly renovated gymnasium
Photo credits on this page: Brian Grissom, Tadeusz Lakota, Chance Agrella, Robert Hickerson, Aaron Burden, Dawid Małecki, Matthew Brodeur
Our Mission
We invest in people over places. We seek to know one another as family where life is walked out in relationship, individual needs are met, and authentic community is formed – all in a way that brings dignity, meaning, and a sense of belonging. Our family is made up of a diverse group of people from various cultural and socio-economic backgrounds in and beyond our city. The beauty of the Brookside family is best seen through the honest expression of our need for each other.
The trajectory we desire for every person in our neighborhood is to move from a mentality of survival to one of stability. Through our programming, we walk alongside individuals to provide resources, accountability, and a pathway toward personal, spiritual, and communal revitalization.
We firmly hold that the only way our community will see transformation is by pointing people to Jesus and allow for His redeeming work to reside within the shared brokenness of our hearts. The Gospel alone has the power to renew our neighborhood one life at a time.
Our Vision