Reentry — Brookside CDC

Brookside Community Reentry


Brookside Community Reentry was created by Brookside Community Church out of a need to serve the high number of individuals that reenter society from incarceration, addiction, and homelessness each year. Our mission is to help previously incarcerated men and women overcome barriers to their reentry through Christian community.

We achieve this work through our Isaiah House Residential Program – an 18-month residential discipleship program, The Bridge Worship Service – a gathering where barriers are broken and bridges of success are built to support men and women in their reentry journey, and our Reentry Hub – where men and women can be discipled and cared for as we assist in breaking transportation, employment, housing, addiction, financial, emotional, and spiritual barriers that cause recidivism and relapse.


289 Served

in 2023, 289 individuals were served through BCR


36 new Isaiah house residents

in 2023, 36 additional men and women participated in the Isaiah House Program

Why reentry works

We begin by seeing each person as an individual, not as a statistic. As we learn each person’s story, we are able to look past the labels and stigma associated with their background. With dignity, we are able to disciple men and women throughout their reentry journey. Through committed volunteers, we are able to bridge the gaps at the point of need for each individual. Through gospel-centered community, we do more than just help people get back on their feet – we are making followers of Jesus who are bringing reconciliation back into our neighborhood. 

Who is impacted?

  • In our Isaiah House Residential Program, we facilitate up to 23 men and 14 women in an 18-month program.

  • The Bridge Worship Service brings together 100+ men and women each week.

  • Our Reentry Hub serves 250+ men and women each year – regardless of their criminal history and background.

What is required?

Participation in the Brookside Community Reentry program is voluntary, but individuals who are committed to walking through their reentry journey in community and vulnerability are the most successful.