The Power of Summer Play

Summer Play is our longest-running outdoor event, hosted Tuesdays in June and July for the past six years. Each session has delighted and entertained the young, and not-so-young, in competition and activity. There is something for everyone.

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Damon KeoughComment
ReThink Poverty

Many are working hard to make ends meet, but are faced with challenges nearly impossible to overcome. Those seeking to alleviate poverty often have assumptions and misconceptions that prevent them from responding effectively. Many times, they end up hurting those they are trying to help. In order to effectively respond to poverty, we must first ReThink Poverty.

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Damon Keough Comment
Hope In Uncertainty

An unprecedented pandemic requires an unprecedented response.

That is why we are incredibly excited to announce that Brookside CDC was awarded a $25,000 grant from the Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield Foundation for our COVID-19 Emergency Relief Fund. This funding will allow us to continue providing food pantry, prepared meal delivery, and financial assistance to our city. We are so grateful for the opportunity to continue serving our city!

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A Kingdom-Minded Perspective on COVID-19

Concern over Coronavirus has crippled stock markets, suspended pro sports seasons, and banned travel overseas, creating high anxiety. It’s amazing to me how a virus like COVID-19 can impact our lives in such drastic ways, because most tragedies in life are more personal than widespread. When personal loss of a family member, or financial difficulty comes our way, we often feel alone and discouraged. We get into protection mode praying the hurt will stop. But when something like Coronavirus affects everyone’s lives, it drives us to fear that can cripple us. If there is one thing we need in this time, it is the perspective of the Kingdom of Heaven.

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We All Need a Mentor

Brookside Community Development Corporation has opportunities for you to feel relief and offer relief all at the same time. January is National Mentoring Month and through mentoring we are able to offer those involved in our Reentry and Play programs focused attention and relational development. This is a mutually beneficial opportunity where volunteers can offer relief and feel relief through the intentional act of community.

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June 2018 Housing Update

Brookside Community Housing provides safe and stable housing opportunities for families and individuals that are actively involved in Brookside Community Church or Brookside CDC programs. Participants experience stability and peace through the relationships and community that comes with being part of the Brookside family.

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June 2018 Play Update

Brookside Community Play wrapped up its second year of afterschool programming for elementary-aged children with our annual Brookside 500 event. While After School Play is finished for the year, we’re excited to kick off our third year of Summer Play! Summer Play is held on Tuesday nights in June and July from 5-8PM at Brookside Park. This event is free and open to all of the community. Each week we set up games, giveaways, and music in an effort to engage our neighbors in play.

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Brookside CDCComment
June 2018 Reentry Update

Brookside Community Reentry continues its working of ministering to the hundreds of men and women that reenter our community from the criminal justice system each year. We offer programs like the Reentry Hub where participants can attend The Bridge Worship Service and receive services in the areas of employment, transportation assistance, education, and mentoring.

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Brookside CDCComment
A Church-Based Non-Profit

The local church was never intended to be an isolated entity that was only open one day a week. The local church was designed to be a hub of community where believers were drawn to worship God through regular gatherings and the rhythms of everyday life. Brookside CDC was established by a local church that is striving to shine Christ’s light into every area of brokenness in our poverty-riddled community.

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